Creating a money vision board can inspire you to achieve your financial goals
We all have things we want for our own. Whether it’s a new pair of shoes or a car to get to and from school, your personal goals are an important part of your finances. While you might enjoy thinking about the things you wish to own, managing your money and creating long-term financial goals is a much smarter move. However, creating and accomplishing these goals can sometimes be a challenge. Fortunately, there is a fun and creative way to inspire yourself to work and make your visions come true
Vision board
There are many ways to create inspiration for your goals in life. Vision boards are frequently used as a visual representation of what we want to achieve. You can think of a vision board as an inspirational collage to remind yourself of your goals and “envision” accomplishing them. You can use vision boards for all sorts of goals, including your finances. When you think of a money vision board, you might immediately picture images of designer or a new tablet. However, your vision board should represent more than your wants - it should also incorporate your financial needs. If you focus on the things you don’t have (those jeans), it can be harder to be successful in the way you manage your money.
Creating a financial vision board
To make your own inspirational vision board for your finances, the first place to start is to think about what you want from your money. Do you want to start saving for college or earn enough to take a summer trip with your friends? Whatever you hope to do with your finances, make a list of goals. Next, gather some old magazines, scissors and a poster board. Start flipping through the magazine and search for images that may represent your goal or money. If you are hoping to visit a foreign country and need to save some money first, look for pictures of the places you want to see and cut them out of the magazine. If your goal is to get a part-time job after school, cut out images of working people. Whatever represents your goals or money to you personally are good images to collect.
Once you have a pile of images, it’s time to commit to your goals by gluing them to your poster board. Gluing down the pictures is a great time to mentally commit yourself to managing your finances. It may seem silly to picture yourself finding a part-time position or heading off to Europe during the summer while putting together a vision board, but mentally preparing yourself is the first step to achieving your goals. This is also the part where you can be as creative as you want with the images you collect to make a fun board that you will take pleasure in looking at. Once you’ve glued down all your images, place the vision board somewhere you can view it every day. While the board won’t make your financial dreams come true, it can remind and inspire you to manage your money and take steps to get there.
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